Marine / Coral Triangle

By Tim Kehres
Last Update: May 10, 2024
This page is currently under construction.  While we work on the final content here are a few third party videos of the region.  The videos are in no particular order.

Third Party Videos

TUBBATAHA REEFS – Heart of the Philippine Seas [Documentary]

This was a commissioned work that did not see completion and later released. The quality of the documentary is excellent as are the video included. From the introduction in the video: In 2011, we were hired to document all of the Philippines’ UNESCO World Heritage Sites. However, because the key stakeholder client, the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) was restructured by the government in the middle of our project, the project stalled and our final work was never released. I’m releasing the videos that I can finish for educational purposes only, for the benefit of the general public. Published on the Aaron Palabyab YouTube channel. YouTube URL:   Scuba Diving Philippines Travel Guide

Nice professional video with stunning photography of some of the many diving opportunities in the Philippines. YouTube URL:   WHERE ARE THE 7 BEST SPOTS IN THE PHILIPPINES? | Underworld HD Video

Good overview of seven of the more popular diving regions in the Philippines.   From the Real Lists YouTube channel. YouTube URL:   Philippines Snorkel Safari in 60 Seconds

Beautiful video focusing on the snorkeling enthusiast in the Philippines.   From the Snorkel Venture YouTube Channel. YouTube URL:   Coral Reefs of the Philippines

Good overview of some of the better reefs in the Philippines.   Sadly many of the countries reefs have been destroyed or damaged and finding wonderful reefs such as what is shown here is not as easy as it once used to be.  From the Reef Dwellers YouTube channel. YouTube URL:   Beauty of Ocean Ep.1 “Cristal Blue Tubbataha Reefs” Philippine OceanMusicVideo Relaxation

A very nice video of the underwater life in Tubbataha Reefs. There is no narration but the video is very nice. Produced by the Kay TV YouTube channel. YouTube URL:   Diving Tubbataha

Another excellent view into the underwater world of Tubbataha Reefs. No narration in this video produced by the Pawlik Lab YouTube Channel. YouTube URL:   TUBBATAHA REEF: Virtual Adventure at UNESCO World Heritage Site with Mama Ranger | THE DIVE

Very professional and complete documentary by the group at UNTV News and Rescue about Tubbataha Reef. YouTube URL:   APO REEF: Diving Escapade at World’s 2nd Largest Contiguous Reef | The Dive – Full Episode

Another professionally created video from the group at UNTV News and Rescue. In dept review of Apo Reef near the island of Mindoro. YouTube URL: