Isla Gigantes Galleries

By Connie Kehres
Created: December 21, 2022

Gigantes Islands, or Islas de Gigantes as they are formally known, are made up of about 12 beautiful islands.  They are approximately 18 km (11 miles) from the main island of Panay in northern Iloilo Province. The original name of the island group was Sabuluag or Salauagbut.  It was later on changed as it was believed that coffins found in Bakwitan cave contained a gigantic set of human bones.

North Gigantes Island and South Gigantes Island make up the two main islands in the group.  In addition to the two main islands several smaller islands and sandbars dot the region.  Secluded white-sand beaches, white sand sandbars, caves, and stunning rock formations are found through the area. The scenery of the region is often compared to other resort area of the Philippines such as Boracay, El Nido and Coron.

Isla Gigantes are one of the best places in the Philippines to get scallops. Large quantities of cheap scallops and other freshly caught seafood are available including squid, crab, shrimp, and more.

The galleries below all contain pictures we have taken on our many trips in the area.   It is our home after all…

Photo Galleries

Antonia Beach Antonoa Beach is located in the southeastern peninsula of Isla Gigantes main south island.  This beautiful area with two sets of beaches is home to many summer leisure activities.  During the autumn and summer seasons you can rent jet skis and go for rides on banana boats (traditional or dragon).
At the Sea A couple of photos at the beach and in the water having fun.
Bantigue Island Sandbar We stopped by this island and sandbar in November 2022 for an early morning wander and then for lunch.  The sandbar is often submerged so we were lucky to visit during a very low tide.
Cabugao Gamay Cabugao Gamay is located on the northern tip of Antonio Island (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Cabugao Island).  It has a beautiful white sand beach with water on both sides.  A short climb up the nearby hill provides a wonderful view of the beach and is often referred to as…
Isla Gigantes Sunsets A small collection of sunset photos in Isla Gigantes.
On the Boat Some random photos on the bancas as we go island hopping around Isla Gigantes.
Pulupandan Island We had a short very early morning visit to Pulupandan Island in the Isla Gigantes group in November 2022.  This is a very small island with just a few huts and a few trees in the middle.  We were the only visitors during our stay there.  One gets a sense…
Rock Formations The Philippines is blessed with so many beautiful islands.  Along with the many wonderful beaches, many islands also have beautiful rugged terrain surrounding the islands.  Tall limestone cliffs and other interesting formations are common in the Isla Gigantes area (as well as some other parts of the Philippines).

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Isla Gigantes Gigantes Islands, or Islas de Gigantes as they are formally known, are made up of about 12 beautiful islands. They are approximately 18 km (11 miles) from the main island of Panay in northern Iloilo Province. The original name of the island group was Sabuluag or Salauagbut. It was later…
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