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Featured Gallery (Widget)

Banaue 1999

By Connie Kehres

Located in Ifugao province in Northern Luzon, the Banaue rice terraces are often referred to as the eight wonder of the world.  These impressive terraces were created by hand over a period of about 2,000 years.  Home for the Ifugao people this is truly an amazing place to visit.  At an altitude of about 1,200 meters it also presents a nice escape from the hot and humid environments common through much of the rest of the country.

Underground River 2000

By Connie Kehres

Now known as the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, it was the Underground River when we visited in 2000.  Very beautiful area with lots of wildlife, great harbour and beach and interesting cave.

El Nido 2000

By Connie Kehres

Had a wonderful stay where we took daily island hopping trips and got our first taste of snorkling and the incredible underwater world of the Philippines.  While the accomodations were basic, the view was incredible and meeting and mixing with the local people and feasting with them at night was one of our most memorable trips.

Cabugao Gamay

By Connie Kehres

Cabugao Gamay is located on the northern tip of Antonio Island (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Cabugao Island).  It has a beautiful white sand beach with water on both sides.  A short climb up the nearby hill provides a wonderful view of the beach and is often referred to as Selfie Island because of the stunning view.

Antonia Beach

By Connie Kehres

Antonoa Beach is located in the southeastern peninsula of Isla Gigantes main south island.  This beautiful area with two sets of beaches is home to many summer leisure activities.  During the autumn and summer seasons you can rent jet skis and go for rides on banana boats (traditional or dragon).